Friday, February 8, 2008

Blogger Response #1

I am writing this response to Sam Stein’s blog from the It is entitled “Unhinged Coulter uses Hitler Analogy to Bash McCain.” The blog can be seen in its entirety at

This blog does not have much analysis on the part of Stein except for its title. It is clear that the words of Ann Coulter do not need much analysis to know that she is crazy. Nearly all of the blog are direct quotes from Coulter but it also has one from Rush Limbaugh.

It is very odd for Ann Coulter to bash a republican, but the way she has done is more shocking. Coulter says that her supposed support of Hilary Clinton is like Winston Churchill’s support of Stalin in their fight against Hitler and Nazi Germany. I am no fan of John McCain, but comparing him to Hitler? This proves to me what I have thought for years, Ann Coulter is not just a cold-hearted woman, and she is certifiably insane. Who in their right mind could say that Clinton is Stalin or McCain is Hitler. It would have been better for her to say that she is supporting Clinton because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. There was no need to bring in the horrors of Nazi Germany into the fold. If anybody in the world is not Hitler, it would be John McCain.

Coulter's rant continues as she insults McCain for his age. Coulter said that McCain had been a senator for about 100 years.” For the record John McCain has been a senator in Arizona for twenty one years. Coulter can’t even get her math correct twenty one years is no where near 100 years. McCain also served four years in the House of Representatives, but that is still not even close for Coulters insulting accusation.

I love how this blog uses Coulter’s own words against her, and how he doesn’t need much of his own words. My response is saying outright what Stein said by using only Coulter's controversial voice.

-Ryan Damon

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