Friday, February 29, 2008

Blogger Response #4

The blog from Sam Stein I am discussion in this post is “MSNBC-Clinton Feud Continues: Tucker Goes Off.” It was posted on February 25, and discusses the next round in the ongoing feud between MSNBC and Hillary Clinton and her campaign team. The blog can be found at

This is the first blog of Sam Stein’s that I have seen which contained a video, and the video was posted on YouTube, and embedded directly into the blog. This is the video in question:

This is an on-going battle between Clinton and MSNBC, and it got very personal a couple of times already. Chris Matthews made comments that Clinton only received her Senate seat of New York because the voters felt bad about her failing marriage. Also, a MSNBC analyst David Shuster was suspended for making a comment that Chelsea Clinton was being “pimped out” to recruit super delegates. Matthews also made comments on his show “Hardball” that the Clinton campaign teams were “knee-cappers” and they were “lousy” to delve into intimidation.

This blog also contained a quote from Howard Wolfson, Clinton’s Press Secretary. Wolfson was asked by Time Magazine whether or not the media in general was dealing with Barack Obama with kid gloves. "I think it is true," he said, "that every time the Obama campaign in this campaign has attacked Senator Clinton in the worst kind of personal ways, attacked her veracity, attacked her credibility, said that she would say or do anything to get elected, the press has largely applauded him."

The overall tone of the blog is to highlight the wrongdoings of MSNBC which Carlson did not mention in his tirade. The blog shows why the Clinton campaign has been “awful to the press” or maybe it is just that they are being awful to MSNBC. I think MSNBC should remember that you only get what you give, and try to be nicer to Clinton in the future. At very least they should try to treat each candidate equally: love them or hate them, treat them the same.

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